This resource was developed prior to the curriculum redesign in 2015. While it does not align with current learning standards, it may have value as a content source. Teachers may need to make adjustments to ensure accurate alignment with current curriculum:

German 10, version 03 (Print)

This program is designed to teach to communicate in German. As students are not in a classroom setting, where communication can be more easily achieved, the emphasis is given to simulation and role-play activities.

PLEASE NOTE: The following textbook/resource are referred to in this course. Stock may be low or depleted already. Students need to purchase their own from local libraries, publishers, or online book stores:

German/English Dictionary (Random House) (ISBN-10: 0-375-72194-0 or ISBN-13: 978-0-375-72194-6)
Schwarz, Rot, Gold (The German Handbook) (ISBN-10: 0-521-27882-1 or ISBN-13: 978-0-521-27882-9)

Please note that student term tests and instructional guides (answer keys for section assignments and term tests) are available for most of our courses. These items can be ordered by Account Customers through this website by using your Customer Number. If you are not aware of your Customer Number, please call Customer Service at 1.888.883.4766.

** indicates a Print-on-Demand product. These items are non-returnable.

Product Code Quantity Price
Module 2, German 10, version 03 (JGE10B3) ** 7540003548 $23.44EA
Section 1:Understanding simple weather forecasts; word order
Section 2:Railway Stations; using 24-hour clock; buying a ticket;separable verbs; bitten um + accusative; warten auf + accusative; cardinal numbers 1-60
Section 3:Interpreting a time table; Samstag, etc.; a.m. + part of day; mussen; order of time and place in a sentence; the definite article
Section 4:Dates; booking accommodations; the accusative pronoun; am, vom + date; im + months; Lieber, Liebe; the accusative with dates; verbs using zu; possessive adjectives: mein, sein, ihr; accusative pronouns: ihn, sie, es
Section 5:Letters, vor + dative (with expression of time); the perfect tense of: bekommen, schreiben, schicken und reservieren; nach + dative, nach oben (unten); personal pronoun, nominative: er, sie, es, sie (plural)
**This is a Print-on-Demand product, it is non-returnable.