This resource was developed prior to the curriculum redesign in 2015. While it does not align with current learning standards, it may have value as a content source. Teachers may need to make adjustments to ensure accurate alignment with current curriculum:

Agriculture 10, version 01 (Print)

This course provides a general background to the varied patterns of agriculture in Canada, and in particular in British Columbia. It deals with the origin and special features of different farm livestock and crops, and how they relate to one another and to the complex business of modern farming. It will be of particular interest to students living in agricultural areas, but it is hoped that it will also enable those in more urban surroundings to understand something of the intricate details that make up the mosaic of farming activities.

Please note that student term tests and instructional guides (answer keys for section assignments and term tests) are available for most of our courses. These items can be ordered by Account Customers through this website by using your Customer Number. If you are not aware of your Customer Number, please call Customer Service at 1.888.883.4766.

** indicates a Print-on-Demand product. These items are non-returnable.

Product Code Quantity Price
Module 1, Agriculture 10, version 01 (JAG10A) ** 7540001731 $23.44EA
Paper 1:Farming as a world occupation; The pattern of farming in Canada; Farming in British Columbia
Paper 2:Farm livestock; The origins of some breeds of farm animals; Breed associations; Some breeding techniques
Paper 3:Cattle-dairy and beef breeds; Special characteristics needed in these two different types of animals; Dual-purpose possibilities; Production of beef from the dairy herd; Artificial insemination in cattle breeding
Paper 4:Dairy cattle; The pattern of dairy farming in Canada, and in particular in British Columbia; What is milk?; Details of Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey, and Brown Swiss cattle as typical dairy breeds
Paper 5:Beef cattle; Producing beef on the large scale; Brief history of livestock improvement; Grouping and grading of beef cattle; Details of Aberdeen-Angus,Hereford, Shorthorn, and Charolais cattle as typical beef breeds
Paper 6:Swine; Difference between hogs, cattle, and sheep; A bit of history; Ideal types of hog for pork and for bacon; Great value of hogs as meat animals; Details of the Yorkshire, Landrace, and Lacombe breeds as typical bacon hogs
Paper 7:Goats on the small farm; Details of the Toggenburg, Saanen, and La Mancha breed
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 2, Agriculture 10, version 01 (JAG10B) ** 7540001732 $23.44EA
Paper 8:Sheep on the farm; Producing fat lambs; Which breed for which environment?; Wool grading; Details of seven different breeds commonly found in western Canada
Paper 9:Poultry keeping the fastest-changing part of agriculture; Poultry on the general farm; Egg production; Broiler production; Roaster production; Turkeys; Details of several breeds of turkeys and poultry
Paper 10:Feeding farm livestock; Basic food materials; Different kinds of feeds; Carbohydrates, proteins, etc., in feeds
Paper 11:Digestive system of ruminants and other farm animals; Balanced rations; Maintenance and production rations; Commercial feeds; Feeding swine and poultry is different from feeding cattle
Paper 12:Grass as a farm crop; Permanent and rotational pastures; Some varieties of pasture grass useful on British Columbia farms
Paper 13:Legumes for the pastures and meadows; Special features of leguminous plants; Details of alfalfa and various types of clover used on British Columbia farms; Making and using hay
Paper 14:Making and using silage; Review of course to date
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 3, Agriculture 10, version 01 (JAG10C) ** 7540001733 $23.44EA
Paper 15:Growing wheat, oats, or barley as cash crops or for livestock feed
Paper 16:Crop rotations; Other crops to fit in with the cereals; Keeping the farm fertile
Paper 17:Farming as a business; Keeping accounts and records
Paper 18:Getting started in farming; Looking ahead in considering the farm enterprise; Review
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.