BC Mines Shiftboss Certifications

As required by the Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia (Code), supervising more than six workers engaged in a mining activity on the surface of any mine, or supervising any number of workers in an underground mine, requires a BC Mines Shiftboss Certification.

The following must be successfully completed to obtain a BC Mines Shiftboss Certification:

  • pass the required exam;
  • provide relevant documentation; and,
  • pass interview with an Inspector of Mines.

To find out more about certification requirements for mines in B.C. visit the certification web page or contact:

Email: mine.certifications@gov.bc.ca
Phone: (833) 978-9798

To purchase a BC Mines Certification please go to BC Mines Certification Courses

Please note this course follows our refund policy

Product Code Quantity Price
BC Mines Shiftboss Open Pit Certifications 7540006347 N/A $100.00EA

A British Columbia Mines Shiftboss Open Pit Certification allows you to supervise workers engaged in the activity of mining on the surface of a mine.

The certification process includes an online exam and an interview with an Inspector of Mines. You must pass the exam within three attempts before scheduling an interview. You must provide the following documents at your interview:

  • A completed and signed Application for BC Mines Shiftboss Certification
  • Proof of ID
  • A valid first aid certificate to a standard required by the Chief Inspector.

The online component provides:

  • An overview of all BC Mines Shiftboss Certifications
  • Access to supporting resources
  • Access to the online exam
  • Access to a BC Mines Shiftboss Certification Application Form and information on how to set up an interview with an Inspector of Mines, including the documentation you're required to bring with you.

To find out more about certification requirements in BC,visit the certification web page. Or contact mines certifications:

Email: mine.certifications@gov.bc.ca
Phone: (833) 978-9798

To purchase a BC Mines Certification please go to BC Mines Certification Courses

Please note this course follows our refund policy

BC Mines Shiftboss Open Pit Equivalency Certifications 7540006348 N/A $100.00EA

The equivalency certification is a result of an inter-provincial agreement (Agreement on Internal Trade) that allows provinces to recognize certified skills from other jurisdictions in Canada. In B.C., equivalency candidates (for Open Pit or Underground) must complete a regulatory exam to ensure familiarity with B.C. jurisdictional regulations in order to obtain certification.

Following successful completion of the online exam, an interview with an Inspector of Mines is required to determine whether the candidate is sufficiently knowledgeable/qualified for the applicable shiftboss certification.

You must provide the following documents at your interview:

  • Proof of equivalent certification from another jurisdiction
  • A signed Application for BC Mines Shiftboss Certification
  • A valid first aid certificate to a standard required by the Chief Inspector
  • Proof of ID

The online component provides:

  • An overview of all BC Mines Shiftboss Certifications
  • Access to supporting resources
  • Access to the online exam
  • Access to a BC Mines Shiftboss Certification Application Form and information on how to set up an interview with an Inspector of Mines, including the documentation you're required to bring with you

To find out more about certification requirements in BC,visit the certification web page. Or contact mines certifications:

Email: mine.certifications@gov.bc.ca
Phone: (833) 978-9798

To purchase a BC Mines Certification please go to BC Mines Certification Courses

Please note this course follows our refund policy

BC Mines Shiftboss Sand and Gravel Certification 7540006349 N/A $100.00EA

A British Columbia Mines Shiftboss Sand and Gravel Certification allows you to supervise the activities of people working at a sand and gravel site as well as the activities of workers conducting non-mining activities such as soil removal on a mine site or site preparation for construction on a mine property.

The certification process includes an online exam and an interview with an Inspector of Mines. You must pass the exam within three attempts before scheduling an interview. You must provide the following documents at your interview:

  • A completed and signed Application for BC Mines Shiftboss Certification
  • Proof of ID
  • A valid first aid certificate to a standard required by the Chief Inspector

The online component provides:

  • An overview of all BC Mines Shiftboss Certifications
  • Access to supporting resources
  • Access to the online exam
  • Access to a BC Mines Shiftboss Certification Application Form and information on how to set up an interview with an Inspector of Mines, including the documentation you're required to bring with you

To find out more about certification requirements in BC,visit the certification web page. Or contact mines certifications:

Email: mine.certifications@gov.bc.ca
Phone: (833) 978-9798

To purchase a BC Mines Certification please go to BC Mines Certification Courses

Please note this course follows our refund policy

BC Mines Shiftboss Underground Certification 7540006350 N/A $100.00EA

A British Columb ia Mines Shiftboss Underground Certification allows you to supervise people in an underground, non-coal mine.

The certification process includes an online exam and an interview with an Inspector of Mines. You must pass the exam within three attempts before scheduling an interview. You must provide the following documents at your interview:

  • A completed and signed Application for BC Mines Shiftboss Certification
  • Proof of ID
  • A valid first aid certificate to a standard required by the Chief Inspector

The online component provides:

  • An overview of all BC Mines Shiftboss Certifications
  • Access to supporting resources
  • Access to the online exam
  • Access to a BC Mines Shiftboss Certification Application Form and information on how to set up an interview with an Inspector of Mines, including the documentation you're required to bring with you

To find out more about certification requirements in BC,visit the certification web page. Or contact mines certifications:

Email: mine.certifications@gov.bc.ca
Phone: (833) 978-9798

To purchase a BC Mines Certification please go to BC Mines Certification Courses

Please note this course follows our refund policy

BC Mines Shiftboss Underground Equivalency Certifications 7540006351 N/A $100.00EA

The equivalency certification is a result of an inter-provincial agreement (Agreement on Internal Trade) that allows provinces to recognize certified skills from other jurisdictions in Canada. In B.C., equivalency candidates (for Open Pit or Underground) must complete a regulatory exam to ensure familiarity with B.C. jurisdictional regulations in order to obtain certification.

Following successful completion of the online exam, an interview with an Inspector of Mines is required to determine whether the candidate is sufficiently knowledgeable/qualified for the applicable shiftboss certification.

You must provide the following documents at your interview:

  • Proof of equivalent certification from another jurisdiction
  • A signed Application for BC Mines Shiftboss Certification
  • A valid first aid certificate to a standard required by the Chief Inspector
  • Proof of ID

The online component provides:

  • An overview of all BC Mines Shiftboss Certifications
  • Access to supporting resources
  • Access to the online exam
  • Access to a BC Mines Shiftboss Certification Application Form and information on how to set up an interview with an Inspector of Mines, including the documentation you're required to bring with you

To find out more about certification requirements in BC,visit the certification web page. Or contact mines certifications:

Email: mine.certifications@gov.bc.ca
Phone: (833) 978-9798

To purchase a BC Mines Certification please go to BC Mines Certification Courses

Please note this course follows our refund policy