This resource was developed prior to the curriculum redesign in 2015. While it does not align with current learning standards, it may have value as a content source. Teachers may need to make adjustments to ensure accurate alignment with current curriculum:

Drama: Film & TV 12, version 02 (Print)

Drama: History of Film 12 provides an opportunity for students to develop the knowledge, skill, and attitudes they need to respond to and create film and television works. This course consists of four modules, with a consumable workbook for each module, four Source Files, a textbook titled Understanding Movies, a career booklet titled The Spotlight's On and thirteen feature films.

We are unable to obtain the following videos/DVDs from the supplier. Students need to rent or borrow a copy on their own:
Module 1: Star Wars
Module 2: Hollywood: The Pioneers, Citizen Kane, His Girl Friday, The Grapes of Wrath
Module 3: Double Indemnity, Singing in the Rain, The Searchers, Vertigo
Module 4: The Piano, Breathless, Double Happiness, Chinatown, The Sweet Hereafter

PLEASE NOTE: the following textbooks will no longer be available due to low sales or from the publisher. Students need to obtain their own to complete the course:
Understanding Movies (Canadian edition) (ISBN-10: 0-13-222077-6 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-222077-4)
The Spotlight's On (access the book online through:

Students must have access to a video cassette recorder/DVD player and video camera. Use of a tripod is recommended, but not mandatory. Completion of Drama: History of Film 12 satisfies the graduation requirements for Fine Arts in Foundation Studies. There is no prerequisite for this course.

Public Performance Rights
Open School has not acquired public performance rights for the thirteen films in this course. However, since all of these are feature films, most school districts may already have the rights to show them to a class of students. It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that the appropriate rights have been obtained by the school district, prior to using any of these films in a classroom setting. No public performance rights are required if viewed by an individual.

Please note that student term tests and instructional guides (answer keys for section assignments and term tests) are available for most of our courses. These items can be ordered by Account Customers through this website by using your Customer Number. If you are not aware of your Customer Number, please call Customer Service at 1.888.883.4766.

** indicates a Print-on-Demand product. These items are non-returnable.

Product Code Quantity Price
Module 1 Workbook, Film & TV 12, version 02 (JDFT12E2) ** 7540001911 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments for Module 1. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 1 Source File, Film & TV 12 (JDFT12I1) ** 7540001918 $16.39EA
This is a compilation of excerpts from various textbooks, articles, and passages required for Module 1. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 2, Drama: Film & TV 12, version 02 (JDFT12B2) ** 7540001905 $23.44EA
Section 1:D.W. Griffith and the Beginning of Hollywood; Sergei Eisenstein and the Use of Montage; German Expressionist Cinema and Mise en Scene
Section 2:The Studio System and the Coming of the "Talkies"; His Girl Friday and Screwball Comedy; Dialogue and Performance in His Girl Friday
Section 3:Social Justice and Hollywood Cinema; DocumentaryRealism and Cinematography; Lighting and The Grapes of Wrath
Section 4:Citizen Kane, Narrative, and the American Dream; Cinematography and Deep Focus; Sound and Music in Citizen Kane
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 2 Workbook, Film & TV 12, version 02 (JDFT12F2) ** 7540001913 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments for Module 2. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 2 Source File, Film & TV 12 (JDFT12L1) ** 7540001921 $16.39EA
This is a compilation of excerpts from various textbooks, articles, and passages required for Module 2. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 3, Drama: Film & TV 12, version 02 (JDFT12C2) ** 7540001907 $23.44EA
Section 1:Film Noir and the Development of a Genre; Film Noir and New Production Techniques in Hollywood Cinema; Writing a Scene for Film
Section 2:The Hollywood Musical as a Genre; Parody and Subversion in Hollywood Cinema; Technicolor and Hollywood Musicals
Section 3:The Western as a Genre; The Searchers, Myth, and Ford's Challenge to Hollywood; Hollywood Stars and the Audience
Section 4:The Thriller as a Genre; Voyeurism in Vertigo; Script Writing
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 3 Workbook, Film & TV 12, version 02 (JDFT12G2) ** 7540001915 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments for Module 3. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 3 Source File, Film & TV 12 (JDFT12M1) ** 7540001922 $16.39EA
This is a compilation of excerpts from various textbooks, articles, and passages required for Module 3. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 4, Drama: Film & TV 12, version 02 (JDFT12D2) ** 7540001909 $23.44EA
Section 1:The French New Wave and the Demand for a New Cinema; Breathless--Old Stories for a New Cinema; The New Wave and New Technology
Section 2:The New American Independents; Chinatown and Genre; The Beginnings of a New Hollywood
Section 3:Movies from Around the World; Feminism and Women in Film: The Piano and Double Happiness; Production in Independent Films
Section 4:Moving Images in Canada; Narrative and The Sweet Hereafter; Canadian Independent Movies: Making a Career
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 4 Workbook, Film & TV 12, version 02 (JDFT12H2) ** 7540001917 $16.39EA
This is a separate booklet which contains the directions for all the section assignments for Module 4. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 4 Source File, Film & TV 12 (JDFT12N1) ** 7540001923 $16.39EA
This is a compilation of excerpts from various textbooks, articles, and passages required for Module 4. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.