This resource was developed prior to the curriculum redesign in 2015. While it does not align with current learning standards, it may have value as a content source. Teachers may need to make adjustments to ensure accurate alignment with current curriculum:

German 11 Introductory, version 02 (Print)

Introductory German 11 covers the equivalent of German 9 and German 10. It teaches the student to read, write, and speak simple German. This course also offers an introduction to the German culture.

Please note we no longer stock blank audio cassette tapes required for recording oral answers. Students need to provide their own.

PLEASE NOTE: The following textbook is referred to in this course. Stock may be low or depleted already. Students need to purchase their own from local libraries, publishers, or online book stores:

Schwarz, Rot, Gold (The German Handbook) (ISBN-10: 0-521-27882-1 or ISBN-13: 978-0-521-27882-9)

Please note that student term tests and instructional guides are available for this course. These items can be ordered by Account Customers through this website by using your Customer Number. If you are not aware of your Customer Number, please call Customer Service at 1.888.883.4766.

** indicates a Print-on-Demand product. These items are non-returnable.

Product Code Quantity Price
Module 1, Introductory German 11, version 02 (JBG11A2) ** 7540001773 $20.75EA
Section 1:Greetings and personal information; European German-speaking countries; Cardinal numbers 1-20; Verb conjugation (singular); Interrogative form; Definitearticle (dative)
Section 2:Family and pets; Verb conjugation (plural); Indefinite article; Kein; Demonstrative pronoun
Section 3:Hobbies, music, and other youth activities; Weak verbs ending in -eln; Talking about yourself, your family, pets; Haben + accusative
Section 4:Buildings and places; Asking for, understanding, and giving directions; Polite conventions; Definite article (singular); Ordinalnumbers 1-3
Section 5:Asking for, understanding, and giving directions to places in a town; Asking for information about a town; Prepositions with dative and accusative; Personal pronouns; Definite article (dative singular)
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 2, Introductory German 11, version 02 (JBG11B2) ** 7540001774 $20.75EA
Section 1:German currencies; Cardinal numbers 20-999; Money; The post office; The 24-hour clock; Definite article; Fur + accusative; Separable verbs; Perfect tense
Section 2:Store items and their cost; Expressing desire or intention; Reflexive verbs; Perfect tense; Modal verb 'wollen'; Revision: personal pronouns; Accusative; Hobbies
Section 3:Ordering food and drinks; The 12-hour clock; Einmal, zweimal; Masculine and feminine nouns; Possessive adjectives
Section 4:Buying and cancelling tickets in Germany; Transportation, bus or subway stops; An, in, auf + dative; Konnen; Word order with modal verbs; Zum/zur
Section 5:Travel to school; Weather; Gehen and fahren; Accusative with time; Wenn-sentence; Word order
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 3, Introductory German 11, version 02 (JBG11C2) ** 7540001775 $20.75EA
Section 1:Asking for information; Buying tickets; Interpreting a timetable in a railway station; Bitten um, warten auf + accusative; Samstags, etc.; Am + part ofthe day, separable verbs; Word order; Definite article; Revision: numbers, times, travel enquiries
Section 2:Dates; Writing to a youth hostel; Dative and accusative with dates; Verbs using 'zu'; Possessive adjectives;Perfect tense; Revision: the Lander; Dates; Accusative case
Section 3:Booking into a youth hostel; Nach + dative; Nach oben (unten); Revision: personal pronoun
Section 4:Informing someone of the time and place of arrival; Asking to be picked up; Greeting and introducing; Welcoming guests; Asking and expressing wishes; Letter writing conventions; Accusative with time; Possessive adjectives; Reflexive verbs; Schreiben an, sich freuen auf + accusative; Revision: talking about your family; Greeting; mochten
Section 5:Your own and other people's trips; Perfect tense
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 4, Introductory German 11, version 02 (JBG11D2) ** 7540001776 $20.75EA
Section 1:Foods and meals; Shopping; Use and conjugation of modal verbs mogen, mochten and durfen; Um...zu; Accusative pronoun
Section 2:Minor ailments and what to do about them; Seit + dative; Indirect object pronouns; Revision: perfect tense
Section 3:Using a public phone; Telephone conventions; Negotiating time and place to meet; Revision: buildings and places in a town; Accusative definite article; Time; Reflexive verbs
Section 4:Expressing a wish or a preference; Reading and understanding public information; Accusative with motion; Revision: places in a town; Accusative
Section 5:Describing how you spent your time; Perfect tense; Revision: times; Travel; Weather
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.